Tiltfactor and the collaborative Values at Play project are proud to announce the release of LAYOFF, a game that examines the current financial scandal. The game has been called “The Videogame for the Crisis” and “A game for today’s economy” in reviews! In the game, players play from the side of management needing to cut jobs, and match types of workers in groups in order to lay the workers off and increase workforce efficiency. The financiers in this game cannot face layoffs. Play Now!
read this comment by an online player:
“Kind of a sad game if you start reading the personal info of all the people. They become real people and it becomes hard to lay them off. Maybe I just feel this way because it hits close to home. This week is my last week at my relatively decent and moderate good paying job before I get put on a “indefinite” layoff.
Unemployment rate is 11.6% here so that means I probably won’t be getting another job anytime soon. “
by user “ARXIN”
First Wall Rebate
Kotaku: Layoffs the Videogame is Depressing Fun
Unigamesity: Layoff the Videogame for the Crisis, March 16th 2009
Review- Chronicle of Higher Education, 18 March 2009
Review- Hctor
Review- Game Politics, March 17th
Review- Joystiq, Get fired for playing Layoff — The Game, 18 March 2009
Review – Play the Layoff Game, Real Business, Thursday 19th March 2009
Review –
Laugh — and Learn — While You Cry, with Layoff: The Game, Technology Expert, March 20 2009
Review- Yahoo Games, Layoff Game Satirizes Unemployment, 18 march 2009
Review- Venture Beat- Layoff game meant as salve for corporate doublespeak, by Dean Takahashi March 17th 2009
Review- USA Today, Play Layoff the Game! , 18th March 2009 by Brad Molina
Review- News for Gamers, Play it like you lost it
Review- Watercooler Games