Von Ahn visits Dartmouth

Join us this Wednesday, April 29, 2009!
Moore Hall, B03 4:30pm
Tea @ 4:00 PM in the Foyer outside B03
Luis Von Ahn, a Computer Scientist at CMU, is giving a talk on “Human Computation” — harnessing human brainpower to solve problems that computers currently do not solve. Computers still do not possess the basic conceptual intelligence or perceptual capabilities that most humans take for granted. Von Ahn is working to solve large-scale computational problems and collect data to teach computers “basic human talents.” He will be showing some of his online games as a means to encourage participation in the problem solving process. This talk is cosponsored by the Computer Science Department and the Digital Arts and Humanities lecture series at Dartmouth, and is open to everyone. http://tiny.cc/digihum