Research Overview

Tiltfactor instigates, provokes, and inspires change. Our lab is home to many research projects which creatively disrupt the norm by using an approach we call “critical play.” Our mission is to research and develop software, events, experiences, and artifacts that create rewarding, compelling interactions. In most of our works, we invite public participation. Often, these situations involve play and games. With a multidimensional focus on inventive game design for social change, human values in the design process, and sustainability, our team seeks to create imaginative interventions for critical thinking and social change. Our ultimate goals are to bring dialogue and action to the forefront and to help people explore what is possible for themselves and their communities. (See our list of publications below)




Understanding Bias

Tiltfactor develops games that explore challenging and complex social issues to understand how and when games can have impact. We design, build, and study novel games drawing on what psychologists have discovered about biases such as implicit bias, stereotype threat, prejudice, and confirmation bias in order to reduce poor decision making, limitations in education and careers, and more. One particular strand is our work on stereotype threat and implicit bias toward women in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). We compiled our research on these subjects into a book called Cutting Through the Bias: Using Games and Interactive Experiences to Transform Bias Against Women in Stem. You can buy a copy here download a pdf of the book here. The games that we have created as a part of this research include:

  • Awkward Moment, a party card game for middle school age kids and older; preliminary findings suggest that Awkward Moment strengthens associations between women and STEM and inspires greater assertiveness in confronting social bias.
  • Buffalo, a fast-paced party card game for adults and families; initial data suggests that buffalo reduces prejudice and encourages greater inclusiveness in players’ representations of social identity groups.

These games are part of the National Science Foundation-funded project, “Transforming STEM For Women and Girls: Reworking Stereotypes & Bias”, with additional assistance from the National Girls Collaborative Project.

Metadata Games

We seek to understand the ways in which games, play, and social computing can work together to solve pressing societal needs. Metadata Games (MG) is a free and open source online game system for gathering useful data for digital archives. Our aims are to create fun and engaging online experiences for players while contributing to vital archival records, and offer opportunities for cultural heritage institutions and players to connect with one another in ways they may not have otherwise. With Metadata Games, we are investigating how player motivation, game design, crowdsourcing, and natural language techniques can produce more –and higher quality– metadata for more accurate search and improve community engagement. We are working with partners at the Boston Public Library, the Massachusetts Digital Commonwealth, and the Digital Public Library of America, among others. One Up, a two-player asynchronous image tagging game for mobile devices. This is a multi-round game where you score points for submitting single-word tags and try to get more points than your opponent. One Up is designed to foster higher quality tag submissions; a more detailed explanation of the methodology and preliminary test results was published as part of the 2013 Digital Games Research Associations (DiGRA) Proceedings.

  • Zen Tag, a single player game where one inputs, at their own pace, words and phrases that describe the image before them.
  • Pyramid Tag, a timed single player mobile game where players try to describe an image and match as many words as possible with a group of experts.
  • NexTag, a minimalized version of Zen Tag, Nex Tag offers players the ability to tag audio and moving image media.

These games are designed to be played online and also on mobile devices.

Values at Play

Values at Play investigates how designers can be more intentional about the ways in which they integrate human values into their game-based systems. Since 2005, our team has tested and created a values based, human centered designed college curriculum that is openly available on this site. We also develop novel games which integrate values and tools for other designers and learners. The project resulted in numerous papers and projects. Grow A Game design cards: Using Grow-A-Game, groups of people brainstorm novel game ideas which prioritize human values. While no prior game design experience is necessary, both experienced designers and those new to the field will have fun making games. The project also resulted in the book Values at Play in Digital Games. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2014.


Our health games advance better understanding of community health issues. We investigate how design, quality, psychology, and innovation in games can result in better health communities and health outcomes. Our games aim to promote self-care, immunization and disease prevention, HIV/AIDS education, health care systems understanding, mental health, and more. We have worked with The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The Dartmouth Center for Health Care Delivery Science, the Minister of Health of Rwanda, and the Rippel Foundation. A sample of our games for health work includes:

  • POX: SAVE THE PEOPLE, a board game and iPad app that helps players understand the concept of herd immunity through vaccination.
  • Microbes, a card game developed for the Minister of Health of Rwanda to improve rates of handwashing among youth both at home and abroad.
  • RePlay Health, a freely-downloadable role-playing sport that models the American health care system and allows players to change the system (developed with The Dartmouth Center for Health Care Delivery Science and the Rippel Foundation).
  • In The Village, a card game that teaches self sacrificial sharing in the prevention of malaria.
  • Pathways for Quality, a card game to help communities organize as part of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Aligning Forces for Quality effort.




Flanagan, M. and Carney, L. Speculative Game Design. In preparation.

Flanagan, M. “The Power of Gameworlds.” Sharing Desired Futures – Practices of Futurecasting. Ed. Michael Shamiyeh, De Gruyter/Birkhauser 2024.

Flanagan, Mary. “Operations & Encounters: Playing Out Performativity, “ Live Performance and Video Games: Inspirations, Appropriations and Mutual Transfers. Réjane Dreifuss, Simon Hagemann, Izabella Pluta (eds.). Theatre Studies Vol 165, Bielefeld Germany: transcript Verlag, 2024, pp. 181-192.

Flanagan, Mary. “Decolonizing Play.” Red Pepper Magazine. London: Socialist Newspaper LTD, 2024