
Tiltfactor is going to Gen Con this year! Held in Indianapolis, Indiana August 4-7, 2011, Gen Con is "the original, longest running, best attended, gaming convention in the world." We will have an exhibit booth, demoing our latest game, the 2nd Edition of POX: SAVE THE...

Tiltfactor continues to represent and engage at PAX East this weekend! First off,  a panel discussion on Friday with lab director Mary Flanagan on Getting the Most Out of Your Game Education. Pictured here, playtest sessions for our nearly-released game POX: Save the People with folks...

At the 2011 Game Developer's Conference, esteemed designer Chris Trottier assembled advice from her astounding career as a game designer on famed games such as Farmville, The Sims, and others we all know and love. Trottier says there is now, through Facebook, a new portal for a whole slew of players not before accessible. Experiencing the breakthrough new market with The Sims was a precursor to the sea change we are experiencing now with social games. Designers are finding all kinds of people who didn't think of themselves as being into games. Trottier calls these "accidental gamers." Game designers are not used to this challenge-- most designers have traditionally designed for those already, at least somewhat, into games. Accidental gamers are different kinds of players and don't arrive to games "preloaded" to play games. Trottier then discussed the state of mothers and their own resource management games. As little NPCs with a range of AI states, children themselves play a significant role in the life of some players. When kids melt down, parents deplete resources. (Parental Players might be very angry at the way in which the design of the parental game was tuned!) To Trottier, Moms game during those in between times, such as naptime, often when they are tapped out of energy. Designers could think of games that might pour a proverbial glass of wine at the end of the day, or be charming, or be a friend. She articulated "The Art of Woo," that is, the way in which a game might in fact court the player with fun, charm, and value.

This year's Game Development Conference in San Francisco promises to be enjoyable and informative. We are doing a soft-launch of our new beloved site (uber exciting!), as well as following lab director Mary Flanagan as she's speaking at the GDC Education Summit: Monday 10:00-11:00...

Ubermorgen's Clickistan is a wild ride. Designed as a web art extravaganza, and in part serving to fund raise for the Whitney Museum of American Art (a pretty credible cause, as causes go) Clickistan is a conceptual work that locates its work somewhere "between the...

Today at Tilt we are thinking about play and motivation, looking at variable ratio reward scheduling, empathy, and other means by which players might find pleasure in a game. To Caillois in his Man, Play, and Games, the experiences of competition, chance, altered perception (vertigo),...

a big big honor! Dartmouth Assistant Professor of Film and Media Studies Jodie Mack received a Jury’s Choice First Prize award at the 2011 Black Maria Film Festival for her animated film. Mack describes her winning 28-minute “Yard Work is Hard Work” as “an animated...

Sherry Turkle is coming to Dartmouth to speak on the 10th of February about her newest research, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other, published by Basic Books. The 15th of April 2011 we're hosting a DIGITAL POETRY...

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Indie Game Designer E. McNeill's new game, Aurora"][/caption] Dartmouth's own E McNeill has released his indie game Aurora for PC. Aurora is an ambient indie RTS game. It's beautiful, abstract, and -- be warned, it is utterly addictive! Congrats E, we are...