Game Design

Happy Halloween everyone! We've been keeping this a secret for sometime now and we're happy to announce that POX: SAVE THE PEOPLE® is now available for the iPad! All of us here at the Tiltfactor Lab are very excited about the release! Based on our board game,...

Puyo Puyo games are simple puzzle games that require the player to rotate falling pairs of objects to build combos of four or more of the same color.  If the objects aren't matched, they stack up and if they reach the top, the game is...

Our entire team has read the research report by the Association of American University Women (AAUW) that offers compelling evidence to help explain what is going on in the US with science, technology, math and science and women. By the way, in 1885, a group...

The Tiltfactor team was busy at DiGRA 2011. Thursday September 15th, I presented (with  Jonathan Belman)  our paper on the design approach behind POX:SAVE THE PEOPLE. Friday September 16th, Jonathan Belman shared our latest paper on our Grow-A-Game cards, "Grow-A-Game: A Tool for Values Conscious...

A variety of folks have been reacting to Ian Bogost's "Gamification is Bullshit" post today (with which, for the record, I largely concur.) This is one of my favorite responses. The whole essay is fantastic, but I want to take a second to point out something of an aside of Mr. Nelson's:
"...perhaps we could also read from the large body of research in areas like cognitive behavioral therapy, which includes a lot of thinking on quite relevant questions, such as how to use extrinsic interventions in a way that guides a user towards intrinsic motivation, rather than making them dependent on Skinner-box-like motivational approaches"
I have two main thrusts for this post; first, the experience of crafting/creating in real life and how that might possibly inform the process of crafting and creating in a game, and second, the impact of tools (or lack thereof) on same.  And I am starting out with a little bit of an introduction about why this concept of Creativity should be considered to span more games than "just" MMOs, where the word crafting has direct application. Further, crafting and creation seems the most direct possible application of the concepts behind user-generated content, yet those applications have been ignored or, worse, actively thwarted (as in the case of The Sims.)

A couple of months back, Microsoft and the Games for Learning Institute(G4LI) challenged the public with the educational holy grail: "Can you make learning fun?" Tiltfactor, as the team of intrepid explorers that we are, rose to the challenge, and birthed Flagellla. Flagella was Tiltfactor's response to...

For the past several weeks the Tilt team has been working on (among other things) a zombie-themed board game.  After several different versions with tons of interesting mechanics, we're closing in on our final design!  Work together with your fellow players to evacuate the office...

Tiltfactor is going to Gen Con this year! Held in Indianapolis, Indiana August 4-7, 2011, Gen Con is "the original, longest running, best attended, gaming convention in the world." We will have an exhibit booth, demoing our latest game, the 2nd Edition of POX: SAVE THE...

The Tiltfatory is cranking on the 2nd Edition of POX: SAVE THE PEOPLE. 2nd Edition includes minor tweaks to the game board, cards, and the game instructions. If all goes well, we hope to have POX: SAVE THE PEOPLE 2nd Edition game sets available by...