Mary brings values-centric thinking to Dubai workshop
In February, Tiltfactor director Mary Flanagan was honored to be invited to Dubai by the organizers of the World Government Summit and the...
In February, Tiltfactor director Mary Flanagan was honored to be invited to Dubai by the organizers of the World Government Summit and the...
This week we lost a true great philosopher-king of play: Bernie DeKoven, who passed away in Indiana on Sunday. Founder of "The Games...
We are excited to launch our online adventure game, Crowded Dungeon! Designed by Tiltfactor with development by Producto Studios, Crowded Dungeon...
Our new article in Psychology of Women Quarterly describes a set of studies that examined the influence of gender on how individuals make...
Although much of our research at Tiltfactor aims to increase the representation of women in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), our work...
Mary is representing at the World Government Summit this February; it's an annual event held in Dubai, UAE that brings together governmental and...