The Values At Play team is proud to announce it’s second Better Game Contest!
The contest is open from now until July 1, 2008.
After the great entries we recieved for our first contest, we’re looking forward to even bigger and better games. It’s been really encouraging to see the innovative work that designers using the VAP curriculum have produced. We’re trying to encourage all visionary game designers to enter their creations.
We’re looking for unique, values-conscious games to expand our library and help push the game industry forward. Playable games on any platform from consoles to board games are eligible. Teams or individuals, students, artists, and activists are encouraged to participate. We’re always looking for innovative game ideas and mechanics.
To Enter: Submit games as rar or zip files in the Play Games section of the site or at
Contest winners will recieve Wiis for up to four team members and international recognition in our Game Library.
The 2007 Better Game Contest winners will be announced shortly!