At Tiltfactor, we wanted to celebrate our first term back in person with a shout-out to our amazing student squad! These critical play superstars are hard at work in the @tiltfactor lab examining gender bias in AI datasets, testing upcoming editions of games both old and new, and keeping up with current events in the world of games and social impact. Coming from diverse academic disciplines, passions, and backgrounds, all of our students add a valuable lens to our work.
But while we could definitely hype them up all day, we thought you’d like it more if you heard it from them directly! Read on to check out their self-introductions.
Egemen Sahin ’23 is pursuing a dual degree in Mathematics and Computer Science modified with Music, and he is from Izmir, Turkey. He co-authored three publications in scientific proceedings on machine learning and deep learning through his high school research assistantship at Koc University. Here at Dartmouth, he grades Math 22 and Math 20, and interns at the AUK-Dartmouth international office. He has worked as an AI research assistant at Tuck over quarantine on the topic of “algorithm aversion.” His interest in art started during quarantine and now he aims to focus on combining his passion for AI and art.
Role at Tiltfactor: Code the AI, literature review, research, data collection, creative thinking
Favorite Part of Working Here: Melting quantitative and qualitative research together
One Item on their Bucket List: Create my own record label
Clara Pakman, ’23 is a Cognitive Science major and Digital Arts minor from Bedford, New York. At Dartmouth, she’s a Friday Night Rock publicity manager and is responsible for making their band posters!
Role at Tiltfactor: data collector, resource organizer, creative inspiration
Favorite Part of Working Here: working with art and tech at the same time!
One Item on their Bucket List: Become enlightened
Haowen Liu is pursuing an M.S. in Computer Science and is from Singapore!
Role at Tiltfactor: Coding & brainstorming in AI art project
Favorite Part of Working Here: Seeing algorithms & models from a social perspective
One Item on their Bucket List: Build something cool
Tiffany Chang ’23 is an English major and Classics minor from Encino, California. At Dartmouth, she’s a Learning Fellow for Latin 1 and is a Neukom Scholar currently working on a research project with Professor Oppen in the Classics department which seeks to expand the digital corpus of Corinthian vase inscriptions in the Forum area.
Role at Tiltfactor: Social media management, blog copywriting, game playtesting
Favorite Part of Working Here: Getting to test the latest Tiltfactor games!
One Item on their Bucket List: Write a short story in video game format
We can’t wait to see what these students accomplish during their time here, and we welcome you to reach out to them if you have any questions about getting involved with Tiltfactor as a Dartmouth student or want to know more about their current projects!