Author: danielle

Dartmouth Alumni Magazine’s, Ask the Expert series, interviewed Professor Mary Flanagan in light of the significant increase in consumer spending on games during the pandemic. Check out what Mary says here. ...

As a scientist sucked into a conflict playing out across parallel universes, you will have to solve puzzles between alternate versions of your lab to stay one step ahead of pursuit. Log in to Steam and check it out here: Entangled on Steam....

Dartmouth Professors share six words of life advice with the Class of 2021. See what Professor Flanagan and her colleagues have to say to Dartmouth's latest grads!  ...

Tiltfactor's Director, Professor Mary Flanagan's new chapter, "If you Play it,  Do you Believe It?" has now been published in a new book. "Narrative Mechanics: Strategies and Meanings in Games and Real Life", eds Beat Suter, René Bauuer, and Mela Kocker, Columbia University Press, explores...

Kristen Toohill, former visiting researcher at Tiltfactor and author of the "Buffalo Facilitator's Workbook" publishes two recent articles discussing both the game and the book. Read "How To Use a Fun Party Game to Tackle Implicit Bias" and "How to Enjoy a Virtual Game Night...

Tiltfactor's own Mary Flanagan and Max Seidman, along with Tilt alum Geoff Kaufman have a published a new Chapter called "Creating Stealth Game Interventions for Attitude and Behavior Change: An 'Embedded Design' Model," in the book Persuasive Gaming In Context, edited by Teresa de la...