The game is won when the infection (red chips) cannot spread to any remaining people in any direction because it is surrounded on all sides by immunized people (blue chips).\n\nHere's what a game already won might look like:\n[img[pox-winning-board.jpg]]\n\n[[Next: Setting up.|Setting Up]]
What have you been doing? <<display 'You Lose'>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $check_for_death_visit_number = 0>>\n<<set $spread_visit_number = 0>>\n<<set $outbreak_visit_number = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>POX: Save the People is a cooperative strategy board game of disease control. You will take turns trying to contain the disease; if you succeed, then all of the players will win together. However, if too many people on the board die before you can contain the disease, then all of the players will lose together.\n\n[[Next: Set difficulty.|Set Difficulty]]
<<if $spread_visit_number eq 0>>The bad part of spread card is simple! Just add one new red (infection) chip to the board in the shown direction from EVERY currently infected (red) person. For example:\n\n[img[pox-spread-image.png]]\n\nIf there are any immune people (with a blue chip on them) in the shown direction, then those people are protected.\n\n[[Next: Stop the infection.|Spread Good Stuff]]\n<<else>>\nAdd one new red (infection) chip to the board in the shown direction from EVERY currently infected (red) person.\n\nImmune people (with a blue chip on them) are protected.\n\nDid you put down any new infection chips?\n[[Yes, unfortunately there were new infections...|Check for Death]]\n[[No, we had the disease contained in that direction!|Double Spread Good Stuff]]\n\n<<endif>>\n<<set $spread_visit_number = $spread_visit_number + 1>>\n\n[[HELP! I'm out of infection chips!|Out of Infections]]
You haven't won yet!\n\n<<display 'Next Turn'>>
<<if $outbreak_visit_number eq 0>>Now you have a chance to contain the disease by VACCINATING 1 person.\n\n[img[pox-vaccinate-image.png]]\n\n<<endif>>\nChoose any healthy person (someone who does not already have a chip on them of ANY sort, and who is not a vulnerable person/yellow space), and put a blue (immunization) chip down on him or her. That person can never become infected or die.\n<<set $outbreak_visit_number = $outbreak_visit_number + 1>>\n[[Next: Have you won?|Check for Win]]
<<if $outbreak_visit_number eq 0>>The bad part of outbreak card is a little complicated. You need to choose ONE healthy person who looks like the one on the card you drew, and infect them by placing a red chip on top of them. You want to put the infection where it's going to do the least damage possible, but there's a catch: the person you choose cannot be touching anyone with a chip already on them. For example:\n\n[img[pox-outbreak-image.png]]\n\n[[Next: Stop the infection.|Outbreak Good Stuff]]\n<<else>>\nInfect one healthy person of the drawn type who is not touching anyone with a chip already on them.\n\n[[Next: Stop the infection.|Outbreak Good Stuff]]\n<<endif>>\n\n[[HELP! There's no valid person to choose!|Double Outbreak Good Stuff]]\n[[HELP! I'm out of infection chips!|Out of Infections]]
<<if $check_for_death_visit_number lte 1>>Next, you have to check to see if anyone in the town is surrounded. All infected people who are surrounded on all possible sides by infected or dead people will themselves die. Another way to understand this is if an infected person is not touching any healthy or immunized people, that infected person dies. Here are some ways infected people could die from surrounding:\n\n[img[pox-surrounding-death-image.png]]<<endif>>\nPlace a black (death) chip on any infected person who is surrounded by only infected or dead people.\n<<set $check_for_death_visit_number = $check_for_death_visit_number + 1>>\n[[Next: Did you lose?|Check for Lose]]\n
<<if $spread_visit_number lte 3>>After a spread, you have a choice: you can either VACCINATE 3 people, or CURE AND VACCINATE 1 person. \n\nTo VACCINATE, you choose any healthy person (someone who does not already have a chip on them of ANY sort, and who is not a vulnerable person/yellow space), and put a blue (immunization) chip down on him or her. That person can never become infected or die. If you choose to VACCINATE, you will get to do this three times.\n\nTo CURE AND VACCINATE, you choose any infected person (someone with a red chip on them) and replace their red chip with a blue one. That person can never become infected or die. If you choose this option, you will only be able to help 1 person.<<endif>>\n\nWould you like to [[vaccinate 3 people|Vaccinate 3]] or [[cure and vaccinate 1 person|Cure 1]]?
You won! Do you think you can do it with fewer than <<print $deaths_allowed>> deaths?\n\n[[Sounds like a walk in the park!|Restart]]
<<silently>>\n<<set $deaths_allowed = 4>>\n<<endsilently>>Excellent! So long as there are 4 or fewer deaths (black chips) on the board, you will not lose. As soon as you place the fifth black chip the game is over and you all lose.\n\n[[Next: How to win.|How To Win]]
<<silently>>\n<<set $deaths_allowed = 3>>\n<<endsilently>>Excellent! So long as there are 3 or fewer deaths (black chips) on the board, you will not lose. As soon as you place the fourth black chip the game is over and you all lose.\n\n[[Next: How to win.|How To Win]]
<<if $check_for_death_visit_number lte 1>>Now you have to check to see if anyone in the town has died. Death occurs one of two ways. The first and simplest is the vulnerable people. If there is a red chip on any yellow space, replace it with a black (death) chip right now.\n\n[img[pox-vulnerable-death-image.png]]<<else>>\nAll infected vulnerable people die. Place a black chip on top of any yellow space with a red chip on it.\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Next: Death by surrounding.|Death by Surrounding]]
Before doing anything else, you should agree to a difficulty level - the number of people permitted to die before the game is lost. If this is your first time playing, you should choose CHICKEN SOUP difficulty.\n\n[[CHICKEN SOUP - 4 DEATHS ALLOWED|Chicken Soup]]\n[[COUGH MEDICINE - 3 DEATHS ALLOWED|Cough Medicine]]\n[[IV FLUIDS - 2 DEATHS ALLOWED|IV Fluids]]\n[[INTENSIVE CARE - 1 DEATH ALLOWED|Intensive Care]]\n[[MIRACLE - NO DEATHS ALLOWED|Miracle]]
Count the number of black (death) chips currently on the board. Are there <<print $deaths_allowed + 1>> or more? \n\n[[No|You Don't Lose]], there are <<print $deaths_allowed>> or fewer deaths!\n[[Yes|You Lose]], there are <<print $deaths_allowed + 1>> or more deaths...
POX - Walkthrough
It's not over yet! You're still hanging in there. Now it's time to try to contain the disease.\n\n[[Next: Contain the disease|Spread Good Stuff]]
<<silently>>\n<<set $deaths_allowed = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>If you think you can do it...\n\nSo long as there are 1 or fewer deaths (black chips) on the board, you will not lose. As soon as you place the second black chip the game is over and you all lose.\n\n[[Next: How to win.|How To Win]]
Now it's the player to your left's turn. He or she draws a card from the deck and reads it aloud. Was it a [[spread card|Spread]] or an [[outbreak card|Outbreak]]?
<<silently>>\n<<set $deaths_allowed = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>That's bold! So long as there are no deaths (black chips) on the board, you will not lose. As soon as you place the first black chip the game is over and you all lose.\n\n[[Next: How to win.|How To Win]]
Bonus! Since there's no valid person for the disease to outbreak upon, you get a chance to contain the disease by VACCINATING 2 people instead of 1!\n\n[img[pox-vaccinate-image.png]]\n\nChoose any healthy person (someone who does not already have a chip on them of ANY sort, and who is not a vulnerable person/yellow space), and put a blue (immunization) chip down on him or her. That person can never become infected or die. Do this twice.\n<<set $outbreak_visit_number = $outbreak_visit_number + 1>>\n[[Next: Have you won?|Check for Win]]
Choose any healthy person (someone who does not already have a chip on them of ANY sort, and who is not a vulnerable person/yellow space), and put a blue (immunization) chip down on him or her. That person can never become infected or die. Do this a total of 3 times.\n\n[img[pox-vaccinate-image.png]]\n\n[[Next: Have you won?|Check for Win]]
Place the board (mat) face up in the center of the table. Place one red (infection) chip on each of the two red spaces in the middle of the board. Each circle on the board represents a person in your neighborhood. The people who start infected are patients zero and one. Shuffle the cards and place the deck face down next to the board. The youngest player goes first.\n\n[[Next: First turn.|First Turn]]
<<silently>>\n<<set $turn_count = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>The youngest player goes first and draws a card from the deck. He or she reads it aloud and places it beside the deck. \n\nEvery card has two parts: a bad part where the disease spreads in some way, and then a good part where the current player can try to combat the disease by putting down blue (immunization) chips. How exactly the card works, however, depends on the card type. Did you draw a [[spread card|Spread]] or an [[outbreak card|Outbreak]]?
The disease is out of control, and you and your team were not able to stop it in time. Care to [[try again|Restart]]?
Now check to see if the disease is contained. It is contained if the disease cannot spread in any of the four directions because immunized people are in the way. A winning board might look like this:\n\n[img[pox-winning-board.jpg]]\n\n[[The disease isn't contained yet...|You Don't Win]]\n[[The disease is contained!|You Win]]\n
<<silently>>\n<<set $check_for_death_visit_number = 0>>\n<<set $spread_visit_number = 0>>\n<<set $outbreak_visit_number = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>POX: Save the People is a cooperative strategy board game of disease control. You will take turns trying to contain the disease; if you succeed, then all of the players will win together. However, if too many people on the board die before you can contain the disease, then all of the players will lose together.\n\n[[Next: Set difficulty.|Set Difficulty]]
Choose any infected person (someone with a red chip on them) and replace their red chip with a blue one. That person can never become infected or die. You may only do this ONCE.\n\n[img[pox-cure-image.png]]\n\n[[Next: Have you won?|Check for Win]]\n
<<silently>>\n<<set $deaths_allowed = 2>>\n<<endsilently>>Excellent! So long as there are 2 or fewer deaths (black chips) on the board, you will not lose. As soon as you place the third black chip the game is over and you all lose.\n\n[[Next: How to win.|How To Win]]
Bonus! Since you got no new infections this round you get double the cures and vaccinations!\n\nYou can either VACCINATE 6 people, or CURE AND VACCINATE 2 people, or VACCINATE 3 people and CURE AND VACCINATE 1 person. \n\nTo VACCINATE, you choose any healthy person (someone who does not already have a chip on them of ANY sort, and who is not a vulnerable person/yellow space), and put a blue (immunization) chip down on him or her. That person can never become infected or die. \n\nTo CURE AND VACCINATE, you choose any infected person (someone with a red chip on them) and replace their red chip with a blue one. That person can never become infected or die.\n\nMake your choice and cure and/or vaccinate people now.\n\n[[Next: Have you won?|Check for Win]]